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Angeli's Lab Members

Matthias Vittur
Master student (May 2020 - )

Title "Application of remote sensing technology to investigate the homing failure of forager bees due to neonicotinoid insecticides"

Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) have always played a crucial role in pollinating first on wild and then even on cultivated plants, with substantial implications for our economy and food supply, as well as for natural ecosystems. It was estimated that this insect is able to pollinate almost 80% of plant species, providing about 35% of the world’s food. During the last few decades, pesticides use in agriculture has been considerably increased, with a resulting reduction of the number of bee colonies as well as a decrease in the quantity of harvested honey. Nowadays, acute massive bee kills due to high concentrations of pesticides are becoming less frequent, instead a slight and steady decline in the number of individuals per population was noticed, caused by the absorption by honeybees of sublethal doses of the same chemical substances. In this research we will expose honeybee colonies to sublethal doses of neonicotinoid insecticides, in particular thiacloprid, and we will investigate the related effects of disorientation and behavior alterations, as well as the consequent decline in population, caused by those chemical substance. The work will be done by inserting in frond of each treated hive a newly developed automatic electronic bee counter connected to a remote automated sensor system. This system is able to automatically count with higher accuracy bees entering / exiting each hive. Therefore, it is possible to measure the number of daily flights per hive and to quantify the daily colony losses. A statistic approach will allow us to analyze possible effects of sublethal doses of neonicotinoids, which may cause high reductions in the bee population ans a consequence of homing failure phenomenon, i.e. the inability of the bee to find the way back home after exiting the hive for foraging.

Last updated 1.5.2020