Abstract submission
Please submit your
extended abstract HERE.
Please submit your
research panel HERE.
Instructions for Submission
Deadlines for participants
Abstract/paper submission: until 27th June 2016
Abstract/paper acceptance: by 15th October 2016
We encourage scholars from different fields to present research ideas clearly enough for their assorted audience to appreciate them.
Ideas can be presented in two formats:
a) an extended abstract where applicants illustrate how their research area(s) frame(s) the topic. Individual applicants may give a review of the state of the art in their discipline and indicate directions in interdisciplinary research. The organizing committee will arrange the panels so as to engage scholars with strong potential for dialogue and cooperation
- language: English
- no more than 600 words
- keywords: maximum 5
- please indicate discipline
b) a research panel with the contribution of at least two disciplines and the capacity to accommodate more. Applicants who opt for this format have already agreed on the nature of the panel and will, each one individually, upload their abstract, indicating tentatively the nature and title of the panel. It is expected that each panel hosts participants from at least two EUREGIO partners.
- language: English
- no more than 1500 words
- keywords: maximum 5
- please indicate discipline