The Project:::Layout Pocket::1 I2I3I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10::::Layout Classic::1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10:::Illywords Magazine
Practically, Precisely, Pocket
The layout suggestion "illywords pocket" is a radically new editiorial approach.

Like the name "pocket" already says, the format became handier and smaller (22x16 cm), however the number of sides and thus also volume doubled itself. Thus the magazine becomes a hybrid between magazine and book. Above all, illywords pocket is better to read and more practically to transport, which suits to the demanding nature of its text. Bedisde the new size makes it possible, to publish the ILLYWORDS magazines as series of books at a later time (e.g. at the year end).

The links below show some possible layout variantions of the pocket version.
Mirjam Schenk
Sarah Schlatter
Barbara Spitaler
Daniele Ferracin
Martina Dandolo
Monika Torresan
Carmelo Scala
Daniele Zanoni
Lukas Nagler

Concept Presentation
Layout Illywords_11
Meeting at Illy Caffè
Triest 01.10.2004

click to see the layout concepts and
foto impressions from that