35. (Those are) the 15 Stars of d.Ea




The 15 Stars
on the
Path of Ea

Tablet Nr. 86378
British Museum

The 15 Stars on the Path of Ea
(Column II, Lines 19 through 35)

19. The Fish (KU6) d.Ea, the lead star of the stars of Ea.

 AK: The perhaps erroneously transcribed Sumerian KU6
is so short and unclear that there is no certainty here.
Latvian KUKURZNIS "the flounder" from the root
KUK- "humped" may be related. Perhaps also
Latvian ZIVS, Latin CETUS. Note that the Path of Ea
begins at or after heavenly Eridu - which on Earth was
the most ancient of the  Sumerian cities and of the
Ubaid Culture and - in heaven -astronomically the same
as the constellation Erida-nus (the head of a man),
known as the river of forgetfulness, i.e. the "underworld".

20. The Great God Ea (GU.LA d.Ea)
the Star of Eridu (NUN.(KI)), d.Ea

 AK: Here again GULA is Latvian "lying down" and represents EA,
pictured above another heavenly "reclining" lion
- both as symbols for "earth" - and in the roll-seal of Adda
(British Museum Nr. 89115) with rivers springing forth from both sides.
This is related to the Sumerian AB.ZU = Latvian APSU (nom. APSis).
This is a "hole" in Latvian and is the Chaldean name for the
"underground" of the Earth.

(I would like to note here again forcefully that U is neither
nominative in Sumerian nor Akkadian (as currently assumed) NOR
in Latvian. This unfortunate grammatical error of the scholars results
from erroneous analysis of Akkadian and Sumerian texts
taken out of epic hymns such as the Agushaya Hymn in which the
words almost never appear in pure nominative form.
Latvian has astronomical or mythical phrases in the Dainas such as
TAUTU DELU KLETU DURVIS "the door of the house of the son
of Tautas" or  TALU TALU ES REDZEJU "far, far, I saw" or
APLIGOJU RUDZU LAUKU "examined  the field of rye" or
climbed the hill (up), mended my coat". NONE of these -U forms are
nominative since the only nominative, "the actor" is often left out of
such phrases.)

 21. The star to his right: NIN.MACH

22. The wild boar (EN.TE.NA.BAR.CHUM), d.NIN.GIR.SU

 AK: The Latvian term for boar is MEZHU KUILIS and
Sumerian GIR.SU = Latvian KUIL.IS.
Sumerian BAR.CHUM is Latvian VERSINs/VERSHAM (dat.)
"wild animal" and hence the Akkadian  description
"bulu" meaning "wild". In Latvian the DATIVE is also often
the subject of a sentence and hence may be mistaken for the
nominative (as in the disputed -UM forms of Akkadian)

 25. Two stars, which are behind him:
d.Shullat and d.Chanish, d. UD and d.Adad

26./27. The star behind them, as d.Ea rises (and)
as d.Ea sets: the swarm (NU.MUSH.DA), d. Adad

 AK: Here the erroneous Sumerian transcription MUSH is also used
for Hydra (the snake) which is correctly the differentiated Latvian MUDZ-
viz. MUDZITE (dim.) meaning "swarm, crawling something(s), swamp"

 28. The star to the left of the scorpion:
The Wolf (UR.IDIM), d.Kusu

 AK: here again we have the incomplete determinative UR.
being Latvian URKIS "digger, clawer, clawed animal".
As Papke notes DIM is also an ancient Sumerian term for "lion" or
"DEMon" and so Latvian CIM-  "long-haired" might be the possible root.

 29. The Scorpion (GIR.TAB), d.Ishchara,
Governess of all Lands

 AK: Here again we have TAB "two" and GIR- has many
Indo-European cognates for "cu, scissors, claws",
for example Latvian CIR-, applying to the two claws of the
Scorpion, suggesting that another type of crab is the
original name for this constellation.

30. GAB.GIR.TAB, d.Lisi, d.Nabu

31./32. Two stars on the stinger of the Scorpion:
d.Sharur and d.Shargaz

33. The star behind them:
The Fire-Arrow-Sagittarian (PA.BIL.SAG)

 AK: There are a number of possibilities for PA.BIL.SAG
in Latvian,  all very speculative e.g.
PA.BAR.ZDE "the lower part of the halter of a horse" also simply as
PA.VA(L).DS "halter" - and this would fit the position of the horse's head
of Sagittarius which contains the brightest stars of this constellation.
But also PAVARDS "hearth, stove, home" of stars - galactic center.

34. The Cargo-Boat (MA.GUR8) and the Goat-Fish

 AK: Sumerian MA.GUR is Latvian MAKSH-KER "fisher"
i.e. fishing boat and not cargo boat.
As for SUCHUR.MASH.KU6, in spite of the fact that the
inventive scholars see a "goat-fish" here,
there is no evidence yet that the ancient Sumerians created
mythological genetically mixed animals.
In view of Latvian SUKUR- "sucker, sucking", the
intention here is surely a "whale" at the surface of the water
of EA with the sucking-spout of the whale intended particularly
since the goat-fish is also named together with DAR.ABZU,
the "hole" viz. "sucking eddy" to the underworld.

23./24. The star to its side: The Harrow ((GISH).GAN.UR),
the weapon of d.A.E - in which one sees the Apsu

 AK: See 20 above. The Apsu, Sumerian AB.ZU
 Latvian APSU "hole" is the "entry" to the underworld,
it not being possible to see more stars due to the observer's latitude.

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