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Jörg Gleiter
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Jörg H. Gleiter (*1960, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil., M. S.) is an architect and professor of aesthetics at the Faculty of Design and Arts of Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy). He studied architecture in Berlin (TU Berlin, Dipl.-Ing.), Venice and New York (Columbia University, M.S.); 1989-95 he worked as an architect in New York, Frankfurt/M. and Berlin. 2002 doctoral dissertation (Critical Theory of Ornament (summa cum laude)); 2007 Habilitation at Bauhaus University in Weimar; he has been Visiting Professor in Venice (2003), Tokyo (2003-05) and Weimar (2005-07). Jörg Gleiter is the founder and editor of the book series ArchitekturDenken (Transcript Verlag Bielefeld). He is President of the Verein der Fellows des Kollegs Friedrich Nietzsche and Vize Secretary General of the International Association of Aesthetics (IAA).

Books (selection)
  • Der philosophische Flaneur – Nietzsche und die Architektur (Würzburg 2009)
  • Architektur (Berlin 2008)
  • Architekturtheorie heute (Bielefeld 2008)
  • Einfühlung und phänomenologische Reduktion (ed. with Th. Friedrich, Münster 2007)
  • Rückkehr des Verdrängten. Zur kritischen Theorie des Ornaments in der architektonischen Moderne (Weimar 2002)
  • Nietzsches Labyrinthe (ed. with G. Schweppenhäuser, Weimar 2001)
Conference secretariatMarlies Andergassen-Sölva
Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 139100 Bozen-BolzanoItaly
T: +39 0471 015006F: +39 0471
Faculty of Design and Art - Secretariat
Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 139100 Bozen-BolzanoItaly
T: +39 0471 015000F: +39 0471
Opening hours:Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 09:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00
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