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Abstract Submission

Submission of Abstracts 15 February 2016 - Submission is closed!
Notification of acceptance 30 April 2016

Instruction for Abstract preparation

The abstract must fit one of the three Symposia:
  • Sustainable use of resources in horticulture 
  • Quality of horticultural production
  • Multi-functionality in horticulture


If you need to submit an abstract to one of the workshops, please directly contact the organizers. The list of the organizers can be found under the “meeting program Webpage". 
Each author cannot submit more than 2 abstracts as corrisponding author.

  • the text should contain no more than 2000 characters including spaces
  • A maximum of 5 keywords can be submitted ex. 1, …, 5 (max 5)
  • language: italian or english



The abstract will contain an introduction (scientific background, objectives and/or hypothesis); materials and methods (experimental design and statistics); results (short and clear description of results and statistical significance when appropriated); conclusions (originality of the study, methodological soundness, significance of results).

The abstracts will be submitted at the following link.

For further instructions how to fill the form, please follow this link.

Evaluation criteria:

The Scientific Committee will evaluate the scientific quality of the abstract based on the following criteria:

  • Originality
  • Relevance of results
  • Methodological soundness
  • Text clarity


Based on these criteria the Committee will decide whether accept the abstract, whether assign it to poster or oral presentation in case the latter had been required.

The best posters presented by young researchers will be awarded during the General Assembly.

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