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              All parallel sessions on Thursday, 17.04.2014                   

10.15 - 11.15 Researching controversial issues in social workers' role Mihai-Bogdan Iovu
  Professional autonomy of social workers in Russia Selchenok Anastasiya
Do social workers employed in Italian probation stand up to welfare state erosion? Capra Ruggero                       
To Blend in or Stand out? Hospital Social Workers Jurisdictional Work in Sweden and Germany Sjöström Manuela                              

10.15 - 11.15     LGBTQY   Nagy Andrea
  The Lived Experience of Religious Homosexual Men in Heterosexual Marriages                                          Zack Eyal                             
  LGBTI Seniors Staying Connected: Loneliness and support among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex people aged 50 and over in Australia  Hughes Mark                          
  Victimization of Gay and Bisexual Men: A Public Problem with Private Consequences                            Martin James                   

10.15 - 11.15  Children and young people Rainer Sylvia
  Whose problem is it anyway? How schools and school-based social services in Switzerland deal with children's problems and deviant behaviour. Baier Florian , Heeg Rahel                               
  School Social Worker and Social Inclusion Katsama Irene
  Young adults leaving residential care institutions: social patterns, policy and practice in South Tyrol Nagy Andrea
11.45 - 13.15  Researching social work process Sugman Bohnic Lea
  ‘Working the house’: The art and skill of home visiting in social work with children and families Ferguson Harry                                    
  Synergetics of co-creating learning and help in social work Sugman Bohinc Lea
  Developing knowledge about the effectiveness of reflective supervision  Carpenter John  
How Documentation Influences Front-Line Practice:  A Qualitative Study of Case Managers in Supportive Housing Programs Stanhope Victoria, Tiderington Emmy
Q-Methodology, Pragmatism, Knowledge Forms and Social Work Practice Hothersall Steve

11.45 - 13.15    Research with victimes            Enosh Guy
  Sexual-coercion, between planned-behavior and exposure: An Arab-female perspective Enosh Guy, Ben-Ari Avital, Ghannamy-Hiadrey                          
  Working with victims of human trafficking - Challenges of Social Work research and practice  - Results of Empirical Study in Bosnia and Herzegovina  Sucur-Janjetovic Vesna  
  Migration and Empowerment in Transition: Perspective of Bosnian Women Bašić Sanela
Exploring the involvement of older people in adult safeguarding Finlay Sarah
11.45 -13.15 Evidence and practice            Sharland Elaine
Moving research into practice: Two perspectives on research utilisation  Sharland Elaine, Grey Mel, Heinsch Milena, Schubert Leanne
  The Social Work Evidence Bank: deposits and withdrawals for accountable practice  McDermott Fiona
  The acquisition of scientific knowledge in children and youth services in Switzerland  Fellmann Lukas
  Assets and Impediments in the Use of Ethical Decision-Making Models  Strom-Gottfried Kimberly
11.45 - 13.15    Women voice                                Sidhva Dina
  "Non potevo spenderci un nero" migrant identities of Italian women in Germany and biographical reconstruction Aluffi Pentini  Anna
  PhotoVoice:  Assessment of Women’s Experiences of the 2011 Great East Japan Disasters  Yoshihama Mieko               
  “Education, ethnicity & gender. Biographies of Roma and Sinti women in Germany.”  Reimer Julia
  Social work education for a culturally competente practice  Sousa Paula, Almeida José Luis                        
11.45 - 13.15 Social work and political action 1  Campanini Annamaria
  Social Work at the Street-Level of Employment Policy – Institutional vs. Professional Challenges  Olesen Søren Peter
  The street-level delivery of activation policies: constraints and possibilities for a practice of citizenship  Nothdurfter Urban
  Policy practice engagement in Italian social work  Campanini Annamaria
11.45 - 13.15    LGBTQY  Nagy Andrea
  The Lived Experience of Religious Homosexual Men in Heterosexual Marriages  Zack Eyal                                         
  LGBTI Seniors Staying Connected: Loneliness and support among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex people aged 50 and over in Australia  Hughes Mark                      
  ‘We’ve got an awful long way to go’: sexuality, language and representation in older adults’ care homes in Wales  Willis Paul                                
  Victimization of Gay and Bisexual Men: A Public Problem with Private Consequences  Martin James                          
11.45 - 13.15 Social Work Profession and Resilience  Frost Elisabeth
  Managing local pressures: – creative adaptability as a prerequisite of resilient child protection social work in 3 European contexts  Frost Elizabeth                           
  From the Zone of risk to the Zone of Resilience: Narratives of Resilience among Child Protection Workers in Argentina, Canada and Ireland  Hurley Dermot
  Satisfaction, commitment and motivating factors: the staff of basic social-pedagogical assistance in the Province of Bolzano  Krismer Sabine
  Damned if you do, damned if you don't: Recruitment and Retention of English Children and Family Social Workers  Cauvain Simon
11.45 - 13.15 Social Work Social Policy and Political Action  Gal John
  Individual and Structural Determinants of Social Assistance Trajectories in Switzerland  Gutjahr Elisabeth, Heeb Jean-Luc, Weiler Florian             
  Work-life balance vouchers: new opportunities for social work to match private sector’s needs  Viganó Federica   
  Limits of binding legislation for the professional integration of persons with disabilities   Margot-Cattin Pierre
  Disability Pensions in Denmark – Reforming Eligibility and Categorization  Dall Tanja, Caswell Dorte
14.15 -15.45   Researching history in social work  Anand Janet
  The history of the Danish profession/education of social pedagogy – reflections about forms of knowledge Bryderup Inge                        
  The British Journal of Social Work: History, Discipline and Professional Field Shaw Ian, Jobling Hannah                     
  Intergenerational Trauma: Understanding the Context for Diverse Populations and Treatment Implications  Waites Shayna
  Sociospatial Practices In US Social Work, 1880-1917: Changing Places, Changing People Kemp Susan, Park Yoosun
14.15 -15.45   Research in social work as participative learning process 2  Roose Rudi
Knowledge co-creation and university-agency partnerships: magic concepts to close the research-practice gap?  Steens Roos, Koen Herrman, Van Regenmortel Tine
Negotiation as a way to emphasize participative learning processes in social work research  Uggerhøj Lars
  Cooperation dynamics in participatory knowledge production - a critical reflection.  Frei Sabina                      
  Less Dangerous Encounters: Power, Epistemic Privilege and Participatory Social Work Research  Janes Julia
14.15 -15.45     Social work Education Researching practice placements  Roets Griet
  The contribution of CIT method to explore the development of social work values and ethics during practice placement  Papouli Eleni                             
  “Ma non e’ lo stesso anche in Inghilterra?”: A comparative study of practice educators experiences of working with struggling and failing social work students in practice learning settings in the UK and Italy.  Poletti  Alberto, Finch Jo
   Surveillance and silence: assessing difficult social work placements Schaub Jason  
  “...there are students who should not be in social work and we have to make that decision” – Exploring social work tutors experiences of managing struggling or failing students in practice placements. Finch Jo    
14.15 -15.45     Social work and challanging situations  Fargion Silvia
  Looked after children and offending: risk, resilience and restorative justice  Schofield Gillian                          
  Adolescent Social Orphans and the Transition into Young Adulthood: The Role of Social Work Research with Vulnerable Populations Novelle  Michelle
  A Critique of the Use of the ‘Neet' Category Tabin Jean-Pierre, Perriard Anne 
  Discourse anlysis and criminal justice groupwork: an empirical approach to reflexive practice  Kirkwood Steve

14.15 -15.45     Child and Family social work: ways to promote capabilities  Berger Elisabeth
  Critical factors of intensive family work which produce positive outcomes for child welfare client children and parents Pölkki Pirjo, Vornanen, Riitta, Colliander Riina                            
  P.I.P.P.I. Program of Intervention for Prevention of Institutionalization. Participatory strategies to prevent child placement. Serbati Sara, Ius Marco, Di Masi Diego, Zanon Ombretta, Milani Paola
  The Capabilities Approach and Child Protection in the UK Gupta Anna, White Sue, Featherstone Brigid
  “Strength-based approaches and child protection: conflicting paradigms or the key to improve interventions?” Verhallen Tessa
14.15 -15.45     Social work in a diverse society  Palattiyil George
  Leaving an Insular Community: The Case of Ultra Orthodox Jews  Berger Roni                         
  Socio-economic and Psychosocial Factors as Determinants of Health among Immigrants with a Russian Background in Finland and in Israel  Soskolne Varda,  Maritta Tirronen, Vauhkonnen Teemu, Veilstilä Minna, Heino Evelina  
  Second-generation African-Caribbean men and psychosis: Developing frameworks for anti-discriminatory mental health research  Wheeler Mark
  Cyprus Juvenile Deliquency: Lessons learned from the programme's evaluation Spaneas Stefanos
14.15 -15.45    Learning together  Drissen Kristel
  Means of measuring and monitoring: a participatory approach  Drissen Kristel, Depauw Jan                   
  Participatory approach in developing ICT for social work  Kuronen Marjo, Isomäki Hannakaisa  
  Evaluating together – learning together  Tiina Muukkonen, Hanna, Tulensalo 
ICT, Social Work and the Death of the Narrative Knowledge Base? Jasper De Witte and Hermans Koen 
11.45 - 13.15  The challenges of researching social work    
  The Transforming Methodology of Social Work Practice Research Satka Mirja                              
  Clients as initiators of a joint study  Shamai Michal
  Framing the ‘child at risk’ in social work reports: truth-telling or story-telling? Roets Griet, Dewilde Lieselot, Roose Rudi, Bruno Vanobbergen
  Participative action research in developing social work research and practice  Närhi Kati
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